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Posted By Admin on 05/14/19 - Bookmark Rhino’s Cougars

I have made my way through life with the persona that I can handle just about anything. So far it has worked a treat, besides a little stumble a few years ago there hasn’t been a single thing that has worried me. That was until I found myself staring down at this smoking hot milf! this stunner has a rocking body and so far she has shown me just how crazy she is for the finer things in life.

I should have known what I was walking into. I feel like I should have seen what this girl was doing long before I realized. Looking back there were many signs pointing to just what an experienced horny MILF chat sex woman she was, for whatever reason I choose to ignore them.

It wasn’t as bad as I was making out. I just feel like I let myself down because for once I wasn’t prepared for what was to come next. It was also a little on the shameful side that I couldn’t hold out until she was ready to burst. I let my load go free at the most unusual time and for that, I feel like I need to go back and make up for my mistakes.

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