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Posted By Rhino on 10/21/09 - Bookmark Rhino’s Cougars

When some people hear the words Cougar MILF they instantly think of some dragon lady bitch with a raspy voice smoking Benson & Hedges Ultra Light 120’s with one of those make-it-longer sticks on the end of it. Sure, that type of women is a cougar, but she is not a MILF. At least not according to the standard definition anyway.

MILF are Mothers I’d Like to Fuck and that does mean, I’d Like to Fuck!

Women like Vicki above from MILFs In Heat fit that definition of a Cougar MILF. Anybody in their right mind (guy or girl) would enjoy fucking the shit out of Vicki and coming back for more!

One of the nice things about MILFs in Heat is they update weekly and you get access to an entire catalog of premium sites. As a member you get access to the Reality Pass Plus network. Dozens of sites in as many niches!

With so many sites you get multiple daily updates. Sites like Mr Big Dicks Hot Chicks and Please Bang My Wife are definitely what the doctor ordered. Especially if you came down with something requiring a cougar MILF to take care of you!

Blogged Under: Cougar Porn,MegaPass,MILF
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Posted By Rhino on 10/01/09 - Bookmark Rhino’s Cougars


They say the ultimate sexual experience is banging a set of twins at the same time. They are wrong. The ultimate is banging a mother daughter combination at the same time. There is nothing like having mom teach your future how to suck your cock like an expert!

Mother Daughter Fuck follows the cougar MILF mommies as they show their daughters how to do sex right. Each week a new episode is added and every video comes with a sweet set of pics.

As with most of the sites I review here, Mother Daughter Fuck has no download restrictions or digital rights management. You download it, you keep it. For life!

As a member of Mother Daughter Fuck you also get access to the entire network of 60 sites. These are not some bullshit feeder content sites either. These guys have put together some of the zaniest porn sites on the planet. You get Sleep Assault, Penetration Tease, Cummy Pantyhose and more.

So stop reading my blog and start enjoying the mother daughter action at Mother Daughter Fuck!

Blogged Under: Cougar Porn,Group Sex,MegaPass,MILF
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