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Posted By Admin on 06/19/21 - Bookmark Rhino’s Cougars

Take a good look at this spicy cougar as she messes about in bed. You can see with your own eyes just how smoking hot she is and right now she’d love to have you join her in bed. She is keen for a bit of quick sex tonight and just to be clear about it, she doesn’t care how she gets it she just wants a firm cock.

You know just how awesome it would be to go the distance with her. She looks like a real handful and no doubt she knows a few things about fucking for pleasure. Discreet meetings where you end up getting the best sex ever gives you all the motivation that you could ever need. You have the chance of a lifetime here so you had better not mess things up. Don’t keep her waiting for too long because she might just move on and find a new guy to fuck. You wouldn’t want that, so be a man and just give this horny wife everything that she wants.

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Posted By Admin on 10/03/18 - Bookmark Rhino’s Cougars

The great thing about Emmanuel Macron, the new leader of France is that he has blown the taboo against online dating wide open. Macron is in his 30’s and has married a woman who is in her 60’s. If the leader of a great country like France can bang a cougar, shouldn’t it be okay for everyone to give it a try?

Believe it or not, a lot of these cougars are beside themselves. They know full well that this is going to start a real trend towards dating older women and they love it. If you think about it, this is a great sexual revolution because, for the longest time, it was perfectly acceptable for a guy in his 60’s to go out with a younger woman. But, if you were a younger man and you dated an older woman it was well and truly frowned upon.

Well, Emmanuel Macron and the whole cougar dating trend in the United States and elsewhere has lifted this common misconception and pretty much has turned it on it’s head. Nowadays if what’s good for someone in power is good for someone who is not. An average guy like yourself for example is allowed to date cougars without needing to fear the wondering eyes for doing it.

In reality what makes a woman sexy is not her age. It’s not her physical appearance, it is how you perceive her. A women can put on any kind of act to draw you in, sooner or later you’re going to go skin deep and her true colors are going to be revealed. Just look at to see how hot cougars can be. And it’s not how many times she can make you orgasm in bed, it has nothing to do with that shit. It has everything to do with her attitude and how she carries herself and her level of confidence. In other words, it’s what’s inside that really counts.

Just as beauty is inside, sexual confidence and, ultimately, attraction and attractiveness is based within. And that’s really why there are more and more cougars dating younger men. They have woken up to this internal power and they’ll do almost anything just to get a taste for it.

They have gotten sick and tired of society telling them what to do and what not to do. Society isn’t going to tell them who they can and cannot take to bed. If an older women wants to bed a younger gentlemen such as yourself, shouldn’t she have every right to do just that?

I suspect that as the baby boomer generation continues to age and as people start to become more educated on so many different levels, you will see more and more cougars dating younger men. The real revolution in cougar sex dating is here, are you going to be a part of the solution?

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Posted By Admin on 08/02/17 - Bookmark Rhino’s Cougars

How to Get the Most ROE When Trying to Meet Milfs

You have to understand that your most important asset is not the money in your wallet. That’s right. Those pieces of green and black paper are essentially worthless compared to your most important asset.

If this is all a mystery to you, let me break it down. It’s all about your time. Really. Your time is your most important and most expensive asset. Nothing even comes close.

You see, when you invest your time in your body, eventually, you start developing a nice, muscular body that looks like the body of Justin Bieber right now. If you want to develop your singing habits, you invest your time into singing and eventually, you would become a top notch singer. The same applies to any kind of activity that you do with your life.

Time is that powerful. Time unlocks all sorts of potential. Time really takes your life to the next level. This is why I can’t, for the life of me, figure out why most dudes gladly waste their time on websites that promise that they will meet milfs. They are just wasting their time.

You need to maximize ROE or return on effort. Put simply, it’s all about maximizing the amount of pussy you get for as little time you invest.

How do you do this? Well, first of all, you need to find the right websites. These are websites that actually have the chicks that you are looking for. Also, you need to play the game the right way. You need to focus on volume.

Finally, you need to bring the goods when searching for sexy milfs. You need to have the right attitude, you need to know how to play the game, you need to give people what they’re looking for. This is how you focus your time to step your game up. Anything else is a waste of time. Anything else is just you, spinning your wheels and settling for ridiculous results.

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Posted By Rhino on 07/26/16 - Bookmark Rhino’s Cougars

MILF Pickup

The problem with any group of people is that it’s very easy to treat them in terms of stereotypes. Just because you’ve seen one person who’s a member of the group, it’s very easy to think that all the other members of the group share the same qualities. Obviously, this is not the case. We are all members of different ethnic groups.

We all come from different religions or spiritual backgrounds. We all have these differences. Unfortunately, it’s very common for human beings to try to simplify these differences by resorting to stereotypes. This really is too bad because this leads to all sorts of misconceptions.

When it comes to dating local MILFs on sites like , there is a common misconception that there is a certain type of look. As long as you’re able to profile certain married or unmarried women who have children in your area, you’re basically in the inside track as far as banging local MILFs is concerned. This, unfortunately, is not true.

It would make for a simpler world. It definitely would simplify your dating if this is the case. But just like with any kind of stereotyping, this is not just impossible, but this is also wrong. So keep your mind open regarding the following so you can increase the likelihood that you will be dating more local MILFs.

Different MILF Backgrounds

Just as different people from different backgrounds look differently because they eat differently, they are able to afford different things. Plus, they also are members of different subcultures.

The same applies to MILFs. They come from different backgrounds, and this impacts the way they look. Some MILFs dress really well. Others are more casual, and there’s a wide amount of difference in between.

Different MILF Physiques

While a lot of MILFs are definitely getting into a healthier lifestyle, others tend to be more laid back. There are MILFs who look like refrigerators. Other MILFs look like star athletes and models. There’s a wide amount of difference in between.

However, you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. A MILF might have an otherwise lousy physique but actually rock your world as far as energy level and openness to experimentation are concerned.

Different MILF Colors and Shapes

You have to remember that a MILF is essentially somebody who is past a certain age and who has had children. All sorts of women can fall in this grouping. This is why MILFs come in all sorts of colors and shapes. Don’t let stereotypes prevent you from achieving hot MILF dating experiences.

Posted By Rhino on 09/11/15 - Bookmark Rhino’s Cougars


I know you’re probably excited because there are lonely wives all over the place and you’re probably heard that this is the hottest demographic as far as swinging and online sex is concerned. You have every right to get excited because there are lots of websites that make hooking up with this demographic that easy. Yes, due to the fact that this demographic has been overlooked for so long, there are lots of eager housewives ready to get down and dirty with you.

In many cases, you would feel that you are fishing by spearing fish in a barrel. Well, don’t get too excited. As the old saying goes, “you can take a horse to the water, but you cannot force it to drink”. That’s the bottom line. It’s easy to find the right websites that cater to lonely housewives and guys looking to hook up with them. It’s very easy to find adult dating sites that have a high proportion of married women who cheat. It’s also very easy to get the attention of these women and set up a date. However, once you’re on a date it’s also very easy to drop the ball. If you want to score and you want to score predictably and reliably, pay attention to the following.

Give her the attention she craves

The main reason why people, both men and women, cheat is that they crave attention. That somehow, some way their relationship is not giving them the attention that they feel that they deserve. If you give this person the attention that she craves and make her feel like she’s the center of your world, then it’s very easy to develop emotional intimacy.

Why are we talking about emotional intimacy? Well, let me break this down to you. Cheating is only going to happen if the woman feels that she trusts you. There has to be some level of intimacy as far as your emotions are concerned. I’m not saying that you should lie. I’m not saying that you should put on a show. I’m not saying that at all. What I’m saying is you need to get into the atmosphere that she’s craving. It’s all about her. It’s not about you.

Make her feel that she’s twenty five all over again

A lot of the lonely housewives out there are aged forty and above. You can’t tell by their appearance because a lot of them look like they are in their 20s. Thanks to modern diet as well as surgical enhancements, this is the case. Still, deep down, they feel really old. Deep down, they feel overlooked and neglected. As their husbands are building business empires or exploring new creative terrains, they feel that they are just being put on the sideline. They don’t feel special at all.

Well, when they were 25, it seemed that all guys wanted to bang them. It seemed that all guys were chasing after them. Well, make her feel that she’s that age again. Again, I’m not saying that you should put on an act. Instead, focus on one aspect or a couple of aspects that you see in her personality as well as her physical attributes that you can sincerely get excited about. You have to create this electric environment that reawakens that sense of adventure and sense of possibility deep down in her heart. That’s how you can wake up that wild girl inside that can definitely rock your world.

Focus on your special moments with her

Real intimacy is all about creating a moment. It’s all about how you look at each other. It’s all about the tone of your voice, that special heat that you generate as you brush up against each other while you’re having dinner. It’s all about living in the moment. You have to understand people, whether male or female, feel desperate enough to cheat on people they love because they feel that there are no more special moments in their lives. It’s not uncommon for housewives to ask their husbands for a few precious moments only to have credit cards thrown their way and told to go shopping. How would you feel in that situation? So focus on creating that special moment and really be sincere because, guess what, chances are you’d probably look fondly on those intimate moments as well.

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Posted By Rhino on 02/25/14 - Bookmark Rhino’s Cougars

milf cougar is looking for a cub she can train to lick her snatch

To be in a cougar MILF/Cub relationship you have to get some kind of training on how to properly play your part. For some though it all comes naturally. If that is you then you can skip to the end. If not then you must go through the same ups and downs as anyone else before you properly know how to satisfy the needs of your cougar babe.

Every cougar is different so I cannot be too specific about what is required. Mostly you need to realize there will be times were you should be obedient to your cougar milf. Especially if she is footing most of the bills. It can be a paramount requirement of the relationship in many cases. There will, however, be other times where a cougar is going to want you to explore and take charge. Like when you first go down on her snatch. She will want to see what you know before taking control and making corrections that might be needed.

When you are ready to experiment there is a service that can pair you up with hot milf cougars in your area called After using the site several times over you will pick up on the subtle cues the women are giving you and adjust your behaviors as needed. Good luck!

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