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Posted By Admin on 08/03/16 - Bookmark Rhino’s Cougars


I think I have a problem guys and maybe you can help me with it. Am I the only guy out there that loves pantyhose fetish clips? I’m not? Well thank god for that. I thought I might have something wrong with me because I can’t stop getting all my action from I Want Clips! I think I’ve purchased about 15 clips so far today and I’m not done yet.

The last one I got had this foxy mature cougar in it, you could tell she was a very experienced lady, she was in her 40’s but had one of the hottest looking bodies on her. She was dressed in a kinky fetish outfit that looked so hot on her.

That’s what I love most about I Want Clips, here you can get custom fetish videos from select models all at a very low cost. Besides the joy of getting a custom clip made for you, the fact that clip is always yours to keep is a wonderful thing. It’s been an hour or so since I watched a pantyhose fetish video so it’s about time I let you guys enjoy yourself, trust me I am going to do the same!

Blogged Under: Satin Panties
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Posted By Rhino on 07/26/16 - Bookmark Rhino’s Cougars

MILF Pickup

The problem with any group of people is that it’s very easy to treat them in terms of stereotypes. Just because you’ve seen one person who’s a member of the group, it’s very easy to think that all the other members of the group share the same qualities. Obviously, this is not the case. We are all members of different ethnic groups.

We all come from different religions or spiritual backgrounds. We all have these differences. Unfortunately, it’s very common for human beings to try to simplify these differences by resorting to stereotypes. This really is too bad because this leads to all sorts of misconceptions.

When it comes to dating local MILFs on sites like , there is a common misconception that there is a certain type of look. As long as you’re able to profile certain married or unmarried women who have children in your area, you’re basically in the inside track as far as banging local MILFs is concerned. This, unfortunately, is not true.

It would make for a simpler world. It definitely would simplify your dating if this is the case. But just like with any kind of stereotyping, this is not just impossible, but this is also wrong. So keep your mind open regarding the following so you can increase the likelihood that you will be dating more local MILFs.

Different MILF Backgrounds

Just as different people from different backgrounds look differently because they eat differently, they are able to afford different things. Plus, they also are members of different subcultures.

The same applies to MILFs. They come from different backgrounds, and this impacts the way they look. Some MILFs dress really well. Others are more casual, and there’s a wide amount of difference in between.

Different MILF Physiques

While a lot of MILFs are definitely getting into a healthier lifestyle, others tend to be more laid back. There are MILFs who look like refrigerators. Other MILFs look like star athletes and models. There’s a wide amount of difference in between.

However, you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. A MILF might have an otherwise lousy physique but actually rock your world as far as energy level and openness to experimentation are concerned.

Different MILF Colors and Shapes

You have to remember that a MILF is essentially somebody who is past a certain age and who has had children. All sorts of women can fall in this grouping. This is why MILFs come in all sorts of colors and shapes. Don’t let stereotypes prevent you from achieving hot MILF dating experiences.

Posted By Rhino on 02/25/09 - Bookmark Rhino’s Cougars


MILF is a relative term. Most guys that haven’t hit 20 yet would see any woman over 30 as a MILF. Bump these guys ages up to 30 and you have to bump the woman’s age up 10 years or more too.

Cougar is not a relative term. A woman is either aggressive or she isn’t and she can be either at any age. Today I will tell you about a cougar MILF that once had me in her clutches.

Most cougar MILF are masters at the art of seduction. They hone their skills over the years and develop methods to get what they want. Of course they always want the same thing, a much younger guy.

All of the tools a cougar MILF in my life used were soft. It is hard to see a predator as such if they seem so soft and silky. Her skin was baby smooth and she wore Only Silk and Satin. Her hair smelled of sweet fruits and was equally as soft as her silky clothing.

On a special night she invited me over when she knew my parents would be out of town. She said she didn’t think it would be safe for either of us to be alone so I should come over and except some of her hospitality. A hospitality that was as deft at seduction as a surgeons scalpel.

I had my first candle light dinner that night. She wore a pinkish satin dress with black nylons and pinkish high heels. Up until this time I had never seen a women dressed this provocatively in person and I let her know this. She asked me if I had ever seen a movie where a woman dressed like this when she invited a man over for a candle light dinner and I let her know that I wasn’t a man yet. She said, “Not yet!” With a lot of emphasis on “yet”.

Just then I noticed it was cool in her house. I noticed this because her braless nipples were clearly showing underneath her dress.

Dinner was ready and she had me sit down at the table. I walked kind of funny because my dick wasn’t fully soft or fully hard, but obviously uncomfortable. She smiled and unfolded my napkin placing it on my lap. Once it came in contact with my pants she pulled it a few inches to one side seemingly to have it rub against my cock. Now my dick went into a full hardon. I prayed she didn’t pull the napkin away and see it!

I was left waiting for a bit while she went into the kitchen and then she reappeared holding some plates of food. She placed them on the table by bending over me slightly. I felt her hard nipple run along my arm and the soft satin on my skin. Now my dick was aching!

Once the food was out she settle down in her chair. The table was made of glass so I could see right through it. As she sat down the hem of her dress rode up and I could see her matching pinkish panties. I gazed a bit too long and she asked me what I was thinking about. Did she know I was looking through the table or was she thinking I was pulling a thousand yard stare? My embarrassment hoped for the later. I said “nothing” and tried to move on. She said, “Oh, OK” and opened her legs a bit giving me even more to look at.

No matter how hard I tried I could not stop looking down at those soft panties. I began to imagine what they’d feel like on my cock. Probably as soft as her pussy! I made a mental note to visit this ladies underwear drawer the next time she has me feed her cats while on vacation. (Eventually I would and guess what? Only silk and satin!)

When we finished eating she suggested we watch a movie on the couch with some popcorn. I said that would be great and when she went into the kitchen to drop off the plates and the silverware I rushed over to the couch so she wouldn’t see my raging hardon!

My cougar MILF returned holding a big bowl of salty, buttery popcorn. I left plenty of room on the couch for her to sit or lay down but she sat right next to me. She sat sideways with her legs underneath her and her boobs resting on my arm. I had to extend the feet rest and bring my legs up so my dick wasn’t turning my pants into a pup tent.

She put the bowl of popcorn between my thighs and stomach and started the movie. The movie was set in the English countryside and followed a boy and his neighbor. She was very pretty and he was very shy. He worked on her farm from time to time and seemed enamored with her beauty.

By now the popcorn was getting low and her nipple rubbing on my arm had my cock achingly hard. She would riffle the bottom of the bowl pressing it into my crotch a bit and it was like a vibrator on the head of my dick. Once the bowl was finished completely she pulled it away and put it to the side.

Her fingers were soaked with popcorn butter and salt. She placed them into her mouth one by one sucking the butter off of them. Sometimes she would lick her finger tips. I tried not to notice but she made a pretty big deal of it.

I heard her say something under her breath and she reached for a napkin and brought it to my crotch. I looked down and was horrified. My precum had leaked through my pants and had made a wet spot. She said, “Oops, I think I got some popcorn butter on you” and began mopping it up with the napkin.

My dick thumped against her rubbing hand and I was sure she felt how hard it was. Just then she looked into my eyes and said, “It is OK what you are feeling, it is natural for boys to like older women. In fact, I think it is cute!”

Well, that didn’t make me feel any better about it. Her acknowledging it actually made me more embarrassed and my face went beet red. She suggested she give me a massage and I stammered, “NO!” I couldn’t use any more embarrassment!

I felt her soft lips on my ear and felt her cool breath whisper, “Please? It would make me so happy to do this for you!” And with that she stood up and pulled me quickly to my feet and then to the center of the room instructing me to wait a minute while she prepares the floor.

Next, she retrieved a satin pillow for my head and a sheet for me to lie down on. I was pushed back into a seated position and she reached down pulling my shirt over my head. I tried to resist but she said she didn’t want to get massage oil on it. Once it was off she pushed on my chest and I laid flat, except for my hardon.

Before I knew it she had my pants unbuttoned and when I grabbed her hands she reassured me that it was OK. Obviously she could tell I was “excited” so what is the big deal? When that wasn’t enough she said, “OK, I understand. It isn’t fare. You are right.”

With that she unzipped her dress and let it fall around her ankles. There she was in nylons, satin panties, a garter and high heels. Her boobs looked amazing. Her nipples were hard and a soft shade of pink. While I was in a trance taking the site of her boobs in she reached down and removed my pants.

She flipped open a container of lotion and squirted some on my legs. It must have been in the kitchen next to the stove because it was very warm. She rubbed her hands over my legs and my dick began to throb. The wet spot was growing a centimeter in diameter every minute.

When she finished with my legs she moved up and stratled my stomach with her legs. I took a peek at her crotch and noticed she had a wet spot too! She grabbed my arms and put them under her legs and squirted lotion on my chest. As she rubbed it in I watched her boobs sway back and forth. I imagined one of her nipples in my mouth.

She moved her pelvis back some and I thought I felt my dick touch her butt. Involuntarily I arched my back to bring my cock closer to her. She giggled and leaned forward so her boobs rubbed on my chest. They were so soft!

During my struggles my cock popped out the hole in the front of my boxers. Just then I felt her satin panties on the tip of my cock. She moved forwards towards my stomach and pulled my arms in a bit so my hands rested near my now wet cock. Her boobs were in front of my face and I arched a few inches to meet one of her nipples with my mouth.

Cougar MILF asked me if her nipple tasted good. The lotion  tasted like sweet strawberries and I answered a muffled yes. She bent down and kissed my ear while holding on to my right wrist. It seemed like she was using my wrist to fish for my cock with my hand. She whispered for me to hold onto my cock for her while I suck on her nipples.

I did as instructed and globs of precum oozed out. By habitual instinct I circled my palm over the head of my cock and worked it up and down the shaft before I realized she could feel what I was doing since she was holding onto my wrist. I stopped suddenly and felt her hand jerk my wrist as if to say, “Keep going!”

Not wanting to displease such a gracious host I continued working my cock and licking her nipples. She sat up and moved her pelvis forward so that her satin panty crotch was right in front of my face. My cougar MILF expertly pulled and tugged on the soft material moving it ever so slightly this way and that way so that I could make out the soft folds of her pussy underneath.

Mesmerized again by the sight of this cougar’s sex I longed for more of this woman. She picked up her lotion and pulled her panties out away from her belly squirting some inside. I watched as the wet fabric clung to her pussy lips.

Next, she rubbed the outside of her satin panties and I could see her clit straining against them. She moaned and pulled the soft material over giving me my first look at her pink pussy flesh. Opening the soft folds she slid a finger inside herself. Her hole was smaller than I had imagined and I tightened my grip on my cock to pretend I was inside it.

I guess the excitement became to much for her because she suddenly pounced on my face and grabbed the back of my head mashing my mouth into her pussy. My tongue quickly found her button. Even with her legs clamped tightly around my ears I could here her moan and sense her heavy breathing. I felt her legs shutter as an orgasm whipped over her and my cum shot up into the air.

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Blogged Under: MegaPass,MILF,Satin Panties
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