The step-family porn genre is simply massive and so popular that I find it refreshing. That probably sounds like a very odd thing to say but what it tells me is that I’m not the only fucked up one out there, or even that there are a few other like me who totally perv’ed out on their step-moms but that there are a shitload of guys just like me.
Like just bout everyone else my fantasies never became a reality either and that was probably for the better but still… you know what I mean you horny bastards. I can only imagine that it’s as a result of this crush of mine as a teenager that I now have this thing for it. Is it a fetish?
Here are a few of theĀ step-mom porn discounts I have found that I think are worth while. There are so many on the net and a big chunk of them are crap so i thought I’d save you guys some of the hassle that i went through to find these.